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Travel & Transport

Travel & Transport

Most children at Willow Dene Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form receive travel assistance to and from school provided by the borough they live in. Not all parents choose this option, however, should you wish to apply for this support, parents should complete the travel assistance application form (please click on one of the links below to access it if you are a Greenwich or Bexley resident).

If you live in a neighbouring borough you will need to contact that borough's SEN transport department.

If you have any questions regarding your child's journey to or from school, please contact passenger services on 020 8921 8652 or SEN transport on 020 8921 4765.  Should you wish appeal a transport decision, please contact the school or SEN Transport for advice and support.


Sixth Form Travel

For our young people in Sixth Form, we aim to build independence, confidence and autonomy within the community when travelling by road e.g. car minibus, walking or via public transport Some of our young people are soon to embark on their independent travel programme, if require more information about this please contact the school.


Moving home?

If you are in the process moving house or know that will be moving home, or be moved by the council, you will need to reapply for transport.  Please be aware that this process can take between 4 -6 weeks to process, and changes to your child’s transport will be made during the following half-term.  Please ensure that you contact School to advise us of the move, so that records can be updated and support offered, should you require it.