Cloud dough
Cloud dough
You need:
8 cups of plain flour
1 cup of baby oil
How to make it:
Mix the flour and oil together in a tray and combine until soft but malleable.
How it can be used to support learning:
Developing anticipation skills- building a ‘sandcastle’ and then anticipating it disappearing as another person splats it
Engaging in parallel play with another child/adult filling and making ‘flour castles’
Improving turn taking and waiting skills- ‘My turn’, ‘Your turn’
Exploring texture
Filling and emptying
Fill two cups with the cloud dough and ask your child to identify which has more and which less/Show your child an amount of cloud dough in a cup and ask them to fill another cup with more or less than you have in your cup
Developing listening skills– Have objects hidden and ask your child to find them when you give a symbolic and/or verbal cue
Developing problem solving skills- Searching for particular colour/type/number of items