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Milo has been purchased from a specialised training programme. He has undergone rigorous temperament testing and extensive behaviour training. It is important, for our setting, that Milo has undergone this level of testing and training in order to ensure that he is able to manage the diversity within the school. Milo will continue to undertake training and will shortly be joining the Dog Mentor Team.

Milo will follow a timetable of activities and interactions across both sites, which will be organised half termly. There will be a schedule of where in the school Milo will be at any given time and this will include rest periods. Decisions as to where and with whom Milo will interact, will be made alongside parents and teachers and will have set goals.

There will be a mixture of whole class sessions (held in the classroom), small group and individual sessions (to be held at a location away from the classroom).

The reason for us getting a school dog relate to research which shows that children can benefit from regular interaction with animals. Benefits include:

· Emotional regulation

· Physical and mental wellbeing

· Self confidence

· Increased understanding of responsibility

· Development of empathy


Milo will support children with the following areas:

· Petting for calming and mental health

· Physical for motivating exercise and MOVE

· Communication

· Empathy and caring for an animal

· Learning to be around animals (well-being)

· Relaxation benefits to health and well-being

Many children also get great enjoyment out of caring for and interacting with animals and benefit therapeutically from this relationship.

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