Hedgehog Class Blog
Hi all, Hedgehog class here; we have taken over the KS3 blog with news we wanted to share!
This week, Hedgehog class and all other classes across Oakmere have had a brilliant opportunity to watch a pantomime performed in school called ‘Beauty and the Beast’ by the fantastic Head2Head Sensory Theatre company! We found the show hilarious, suspenseful, and exciting and engaged our senses through smells, temperatures, sounds, light and dark, and different sensory stimuli to feel and explore. We loved every second of dressing up, role-playing, and feeling immersed within the story, and critically, an official opening to the start of the Christmas festivities to come later in school!
We have attached photos that captured what we experienced during the show, please enjoy and we will take over the blog again soon!!
Hedgehog Class